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Upper Pri,Secondary School & JC

To sign up: 
1) Registration Fee - $80
2) 1st Month Fee (Fees are payable at the beginning of the month)
3) One time one month deposit of a monthly total payable sum before the start of any services  (will be reimbursed unless there is any unpaid existing fees)

Special Rates for students under Student Financial Scheme

Schedule (Queen's Road)


Programmes (may differ, depending on the location of centre)

Upper Primary School -2 hours

Available subjects: Mathematics and Science

Lessons will be conducted weekly

Lower Secondary School -  2 hours
Available subjects: Mathematics, Science, English Language, Chinese Language, History, Geography, Literature

Lessons will be conducted weekly


Upper Secondary School - 2 hours

Available subjects: Social Studies, A and E Mathematics, Sciences, English Language, Chinese Language, History,

Geography, Literature

Lessons will be conducted weekly

Junior College - 2 hours

Available subjects: H1 & H2 Econs, H1 & H2 Maths,                      H1 & H2 Physics, H1 & H2 Chemistry, H1 & H2 History,

H1 and H2 English Literature, H1 General Paper

Lessons will be conducted weekly





Crash Course & Holiday Programme 

Focusing on major examination like 'A' level, 'O' level ,etc

Lessons will be conducted seasonally


Focus Training

For students facing concentration difficulties


Stress and Exam Management Training

For students who face difficulty handling examination stress and managing time during examinations.



Using basic mathematical logic to program in C Language


Intensive Revision Courses

This course aims to help students who:

  • are scoring below 50 marks for their tests

  • are feeling disappointed by their grades

  • wants to start revising early and be prepared

  • need to revise the key concepts

  • wish to develop the thinking process to tackle different questions

Using our exclusive notes and worksheets, we will cover all topics students are weak at, tackling all their problems at the root. 


What students will get during this course:​


  • Revise and strengthen basics for each topics. 

  • Tackle their learning issue that prevents them from doing well.                          


Intensive Revision Course
Location: 4 Queens Road, #02-111, Singapore 260004

Date: Sep-Nov 2023






H2 Maths

-All topics covered with revision packages included!



H1 General Paper

-Essay Topics Discussions

-Correcting Essay structures/ AQ Discussions

-Short Answer Qn + Summary + Correcting AQ structures / Essay Discussions

-Essay Structures/AQ Discussions

-SAQ + Summary + Correcting AQ structures/ Final discussion on examples








'O' Level Social Studies


-Exploring Citizenship and Governance

-Living with Diversity


-SBQ Skill Sets (Source Based Qn Skill Sets)

-SRQ (Structured Response Qn Skill Sets)



'O' Level Elective History


-League of Nations/Treaty of Versailles + Stalin + Hitler

-Japan + Beginning Cold War

-Cuban Missile Crisis + Korean War + End of Cold War

-SBQ Skill Sets

-SEQ Skill Sets (Selected Topics)



'O' Level English


-Letter Writing 

-Argumentative Essay 


-English Comprehension Text 2 Skill Sets

-English Comprehension Text 1 + 3 Skill Sets



'O' Level Elective/Pure Geography


-Weather and Climate + Tourism

-Plate Tectonics + Food

-Coasts + Diseases (Pure Geography only)

-Geographical Investigation

-Questions Skill Sets (Selected Topics)

-Data Response Questions Skill Sets (Selected Topics)



**Terms and conditions apply.

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